A Farewell of Sorts

And all the new beginnings that go with it

Frank Ó'hÁinle
2 min readMar 12, 2024
Photo by Jan Tinneberg on Unsplash

I started my Medium journey in the heady days of 2019, in what feels like a hundred years ago at this point. I have enjoyed the experience immensely and despite my sporadic absences due to various other commitments (combined with the dreaded scourge of writer’s block), I have progressed as a writer with every post. To the point that I barely recognize my efforts from the earliest days.

I am extremely grateful to everyone who has viewed, read, shared, or commented on any of my posts in the last five years. Likewise to the 614 of you who have followed me and helped make this experience a worthwhile one, I hope you have picked up at least one point from my writing that made you think during your week or take up one of the Stoic ideals that I have preached.

Therefore as I make my move to Substack where I will be exclusively publishing all of my articles going forward, I would ask that you come with me. I will be publishing here regularly right to your inbox so you won’t miss a single one of my rambling pieces on my new publication A Stoic for Any Season.

